Rezultatet e gjetura: 1561
I got you:

Hmu when you're r12 for your next one.
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Eshkruar nga Froyer, 04.10.2021 at 07:16

Eshkruar nga Sid, 03.10.2021 at 18:33

That feeling won't go away until you are atleast 1300-1400 elo btw.

Here's some mental tips I follow that help me:
  • If you get frustrated, take a break, no point in degrading yourself and you will get notably worse when you're tilted.
  • If you're on a losing streak, take a break and learn. You're losing for a reason, find out why.
  • Watch other players, videos in particular are a great resource for finding tips and tricks you didn't know existed.

That feeling doesn't go away when you reach 1400 elo, it's actually worst because you feel like you wasted your time and you keep losing games. When you're a 1400 elo player your winrate is like 50-60% it's not enough. After reaching 1500 you actually start to understand how to play the game and that feeling go away when you lose to 1400+ elo players.

When you lose keep playing till you win or you will be frustrated irl and won't be able to do anything else, who cares if you play 10 hours in a row, friends and girls are temporary atwar is eternal.

After winning always be toxic, when you're losing always blame luck it's never your fault, you're the best you can't lose games.

It does for normal people. And i'm not talking about duels/cws. Once you're 1400 your win rate in normal games is like 80%.
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Eshkruar nga biggestnoobever, 03.10.2021 at 18:13

I'm tired of cursing at every single game. I'm tired of being angry, cursing at anyone who wins over me. I'm tired of risking getting muted and banned for anti sports behavior and outright bothering people because they're doing things the game allows them to try out. I want to chage this. What do I do?

You keep at it... All of the high rank players have gone through what you are experiencing. This is not a game for the weak minded, or for those who give up when things get tough. You've experienced the rage... Which means you're aware this is not a game of chance, since rage is coupled with self responsibility (and a bit of ego as well.). You will get better. You will evolve, both strategically and emotionally.

But for now, you must lean into the frustration. Embrace it. Learn from it. Make it yours.
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You have been playing in the main lobby when you should be in the beginners, there is quite a difference in skill between a rank 5 and a rank 15. To get better, read the strategy forums here, keep playing in the main lobby and once you are a rank 7, start playing 3v3s and duels.

Posting some reading for you:

That feeling won't go away until you are atleast 1300-1400 elo btw.

Here's some mental tips I follow that help me:
  • If you get frustrated, take a break, no point in degrading yourself and you will get notably worse when you're tilted.
  • If you're on a losing streak, take a break and learn. You're losing for a reason, find out why.
  • Watch other players, videos in particular are a great resource for finding tips and tricks you didn't know existed.
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Fixed! This bug was actually my fault for a change, which is good since I knew exactly where to go to fix it
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Also, i am using chrome Version 54.0.2840.71
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Eshkruar nga Tribune Aquila, 02.10.2021 at 18:02

If you could change the borders in the Middle East, how would they look?

... since Europe has been at peace ever since Yugoslavia was divided into even smaller countries.

Make all MidEast a province of Canada...
peaceful, politically correct Canada...


Same as how Canada is planning to Annex Turks and Caicos....

(you think i'm joking ... ==>

Here's how the new borders would look - so sexy: (watch out Aussie, we coming for you next ♥)

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Bug Report
Expected behavior
When you hit enter inside of a private message, it's supposed to add lines between text.

Actual behavior
When you hit enter on a private message, it will show nn instead of adding more lines.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

1. Make a PM to a player
2. Write something, then hit enter a couple times and then write something else.
3. Send the message and review.

Browser: Firefox

Browser version: 92.0.1 (64-bit)

OS: Windows 10 19043.1237

Any other relevant information:
Happening to atleast Brian, myself and one other player.

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Eshkruar nga vampire master V, 02.10.2021 at 14:54

Don't go so hard on bugz guys, he has down syndrome.

He was offered a cure for that too. He sold it for burritos.
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02.10.2021 ne Update #8
Eshkruar nga Robsero, 02.10.2021 at 09:44

When will all of this be available ?

If you mean the World Map 2.0, we're aiming to release it in December. The rest of the stuff we mentioned is available now
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02.10.2021 ne Unleashed and others
Eshkruar nga IJustHaveTo, 02.10.2021 at 10:57

If unleashed is immediately found to be toxic, or xbugs is immediately found to be cheating, in less than a minute both can be perma banned again. I have no idea how mods handle that but it should be easy to ban again, so if they do something they will be in the same state as they are now. It is called the conception of 'reform'. If they have been already banned for many years, chances are they've grown up at least a little bit, but under the constant effect of a permanent ban, it is not hard to understand why they act like this. If you already spent a lot of time on a game, and then you got banned, I imagine moving on immediately might not be the easiest thing to do. Probably Hellykin's example is the best one, knowing the situation he was in, he actually decided to stay out of the game, or at least I have not seen him for some time, but maybe he just never cared enough to return or try to make an appeal.

You don't seem to realize we've gone down that road already with unleashed & bugs. They have already had their "one last chance", and they both sooner or later went right back to doing the same old shit. We (the moderators & staff of atWar) have been ridiculously patient and forgiving... but how many "last chances" do we give? We are not these kids' parents... we don't give them a new "last chance" every year. At some point we just have to say, enough is enough.

Every banned player's situation is different. For example Osix could probably appeal after a year or so and if he's sincere enough get his "one last chance" (although I doubt he's the kind of guy to ever change his behavior). Helly asked to be unbanned after some months by sending me a message full of further insults, so obviously he never learned anything. When it comes to people like bugs & unleashed though, they have PERMANENTLY burned their bridges here. I don't know how to say that any more clearly -- they will NEVER be unbanned, period. Those are 2 psychologically disturbed individuals who have demonstrated they'll never change, despite repeated chances, and we're simply not giving them any more "last chances" again. (The fact that they are still trying to get back in, after they've been told they are not welcome and not wanted, tells you all you need to know. When normal people are point-blank told they are not welcome, they go somewhere else.)

This is not because I or any of the mods "hate" them (even though they like to say that's the reason). I wish them well and I sincerely hope they get some professional help in their lives. Our motivation is simply to protect the rest of the atWar community from their abuse.

Real life has consequences. When you fuck up badly enough, the consequences can last your entire life. Some people need to realize this.
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I was pr'd by this guy in game so i told him i would review his appeal again (even though i already review all of these). He seems to be confused on what his ban is for. He believes he was just banned for this scenario thing that CC gave him permission for or whatever. It wasn't even mentioned in your perma ban.

Given that you've already had other bans, reports, and mutes AFTER your perma ban and final warning, i'd say that alone should warrant this ban to stay. Please do not make alts to bypass your ban or make more appeals. You can appeal again in a year if you want, sorry dude.
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30.09.2021 ne Unfair Adventure Game
Name: Dr. Doof
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Character name: Nick
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29.09.2021 ne Premium Giveaway
Eshkruar nga Sveslav, 29.09.2021 at 11:11


Hi Sveslav
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They are indeed 2 people and the person John_Wick is separate and skilled enough to be a rank 9 with his elo. I verified this myself through means I won't explain here. They may both CW/Duel.
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Eshkruar nga Tribune Aquila, 28.09.2021 at 10:25

I don't get it

we still ♥ you
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Eshkruar nga vampire master V, 27.09.2021 at 22:57 know what they say about men with small hands...

They make better proctologists?
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27.09.2021 ne Unleashed and others
Eshkruar nga Unweeshed, 27.09.2021 at 22:05

bad activity is better then no activity

I disagree.

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I got a vertical mouse a year or so ago after Abraham recommended it... it really is great. Since I work at my computer all day long it makes a difference.
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27.09.2021 ne Delete Maps
I'm working on it

It will have some restrictions though, like you won't be able to delete maps with more than, say, 10 plays, to prevent people from maliciously deleting popular maps. (I might change the exact number, don't quote me on it yet, but it will be something like that.)

Here's a screenshot from the test site -- it's not finished yet though.

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Eshkruar nga Noir Brillant, 27.09.2021 at 14:13

Would anyone know if this is going to be addressed in the near future or not? Just curious, no pressure.

Yes I'm working on it, but it will take a while.

The entire way AW saves/loads games is janky and not reliable. In July I started working on a replacement system. I got the saving-half of it more or less done. I still have to do the "loading it back in again" part. I'm hoping it will fix problems like this bug report, and other things too. However there's a chance it won't fix everything -- there may still be bugs elsewhere -- but it should make them easier to track down at that point.

Anyway it's definitely a work in progress.
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27.09.2021 ne Origins of Unleashed
I think Unleashed has serious mental issues and needs professional help. (I'm not joking, I'm not trying to be insulting... I mean it in the literal, serious sense.)

It could be emotional turmoil like Brianwl said... in fact there's probably a lot of truth to that. I once heard somebody else say he has Borderline Personality Disorder... I don't know for sure, but that would make a lot of sense too.

Since I'm not a psychologist though, there's nothing I can do to help him. My job is just to protect the rest of the AW community from him.

It's challenging to keep someone out when they are so determined. So far we've banned almost 300 accounts of his, and over 700 IP addresses (mostly VPNs). The vast majority of those bans were added by our system automatically. It's not like I have time to sit here all day applying bans . We have a pretty strong banning system now that learns and automatically applies bans whenever it makes a connection between a banned person and some new alt. It's not perfect though, and he continues to slip through from time to time. Just about every single moderator has had to deal with him at one time or another.

So here we are, now 2 years and counting... and he's still trying to get into a game where nobody wants him.
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Eshkruar nga Chess, 25.09.2021 at 03:04

Check it out.... in your user profile / settings page:

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26.09.2021 ne Premium Giveaway
Ted the philanthropist

Thanks for doing this, it was a very nice thing to do.
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duke u karikuar...
26.09.2021 ne Join game link
Eshkruar nga Palmitas, 26.09.2021 at 08:31

Eshkruar nga Amok, 11.11.2013 at 10:29

Will be implemented.

Updates on when it's coming?
8 years have passed by

First I've seen of this. I'll try to follow through on what Amok promised though.

I'll do my best to get it done sometime in the next 8 years
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26.09.2021 ne Curiosity!!!
Moving this to Ideas and Suggestions.... would be cool to develop someday
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