Is there a keyboard key shortcut that when pressed will allow me to produce 1 tank in a selected city?
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
Only keyboard shortcuts for unit movement from a city. Very useful for walling.
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
Is there a keyboard key shortcut that when pressed will allow me to produce 1 tank in a selected city?
Not for producing.
But there is for moving 1 unit of a stack out of a city. It depends on the layout of the menu. if its militia inf tanks, then militia will be 1 inf 2 tanks 3. If its gen militia inf tanks then itll be gen 1 militia 2 inf 3 tanks 4. You get the idea.
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...