2.1 - Registration

You can register either on the front page (check the 'new user' box and enter your desired username and password) or on this page, or, if you have a Facebook account, by clicking the Connect with Facebook button - this will create a new account with just one click!

Entering your e-mail is optional, but it can be useful if you forgot your password.

2.2 - Logging in

You can log in either with your username (or e-mail) and password - or with Facebook Connect (in case your atWar account is connected to Facebook). If you used Facebook Connect to register, you have empty password and cannot login the traditional way - however, you can set a password in your Profile.

2.3 - Connect with Social Media

You can connect your atWar account with Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo or Steam account for a one-click login (or one-click registration).

If you created your account with one of these Social media buttons, and want to have a way to log in with username/password, you can create a new password by editing your Profile.

You can connect/disconnect Social media account in your Profile.

Remember that when you log out from atWar, you still stay logged in on Facebook/Twitter/etc and will need to log out from there separately.

2.4 - Editing profile

If you want to personalize your account a bit, go to the edit profile page (click the dropdown button next to your username).
Most of it is pretty self-explanatory, however, below the video are a few useful tips:

  • If you created your account with Facebook/Twitter/etc, and want to have a way to log in with username/password, you can create a new password ('Change password' and 'Verify password' fields).

  • You can connect/disconnect Social media accounts for one-click login. Simply click on of the "Connect" buttons on the Edit profile page.

  • To be able to use the password reminder and new turn reminder (in Casual games), please fill in your e-mail!

  • 2.5 - Deleting account

    Deleting your account is easy - there's a 'Delete' button in the 'Edit profile' screen. You will need to provide your password to do that. It's possible to restore a deleted account within one month, after that it's gone forever. So make sure you know what you're doing.

    2.6 - I forgot my password

    Go to the login page and enter your e-mail in the 'login' field and click the 'Get password' button. We will send you the new password by e-mail. That is, if you provided an e-mail in your profile - otherwise, there's no way to recover your account.


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