04.06.2018 - 12:46
Hi! I've gathered a group of inexperimented friends to play this game on a day-to-day basis for the second time now (the first game was like 8 years ago). We have started the game with 3000 and 3 countries max and 3 teams (chosen by skill and affinity before to begin). We like the game overall, but some details REALLY annoyed us during the game, and I thought it would be constructive to tell you about : - When we have started the game, although we disabled the "team autobalance" option, we were not able to choose the team we wanted. Some were able to do it, but we wanted to make two teams of 4 and one team of 6, and the game didn't want to accept it. The button to change team was only available when the teams were balanced in terms of players (when only 3 players have joined on one team, and 4 on the other one, it wasn't possible to join the second team anymore). So we started the game without the team composition we expected to play with. - The country selection at start was messy and the time penalty was painful. There is no option to configure this and this isn't explicit at all when you discover this and you have only 30s to understand and choose your country. - There is no option to disable the "timeout" if a player do not play for 3 days. We didn't want to expulse the players due to inactivity... 3 players of 13 have been kicked (we are casuals). Now the game is ruined, because of this... - There is an option to expulse a player that do not want to play anymore, but we have to wait 3 days of inactivity... How stupid is this? If the player is inactive for 3 days, it will be kicked anyway (previous rule). Personally, I like the game anyway although this make me a bit frustrated. Thank you,
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
25.07.2018 - 03:44
Sorry to hear that you are having a bit of a problem with your games, allow me to explain quick work arounds for your inconveniences. ~Team Autobalance Their is one work away around this, with team autobalance checked off the game will not forcefully switch your teams around, therefore you can create several guest accounts [alternative accounts] to join different teams to force the little "Join Team" button to appear. Because the leeway for teams is one player above any other given team. If this makes sense to you. You can then just remove the guest accounts before you start. ~Country Selection Timeout Penalty. You can always reload your game to reset your starting funds, this is also a matter of map awareness but this feature is in place to quicken the pace in normal games. ~Away From Keyboard Timeout I would recommend higher timed turns[48 Hours], if you do not wish for a player to be timeout. If you all complete your turns in a timely fashion then this should be no problem. If you can not complete your turns in 24 hours then really the player isn't committed and should not play. ~Removing a player that doesn't want to play the game. ![]() A player can remove himself/herself here. This also isn't stupid, say I am a host who really hates another player for attacking me... what is stopping me from just kicking him to safe myself? The 3 turn rule.
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
A je i sigurt?