What do you think is the strongest continent in the game?
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
It's Europe easily, it has more units and income than any other continent. However it's in the center and a lot of people want it so expect to fight the most people + it's common to get ganged up on by Asia and America.
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
Wow Europe vs Asia game sounds fun now.
Where is clovis?
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
If you look for some updated maps with improved income and with buildings that game is providing there is no doubt Asia is the strongest one.
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
Africa. white boys can't compete
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...