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postimet: 5   u vizitua nga: 85 users
02.08.2016 - 10:18
Hi guys,
I think these moderators do what they want for example; I was posted on Banlist Apeeal Thead topic in past monthes but didnt have got any answer from any mod yet. (That problem was solved by Sun Tzu.) but dinoscount muted me on global becouse i wrote " meo meo meowww- join endsieg" i dont understand why he did becouse everyone calls players to join games with some ways and i asked like that, i didnt say anything which is forbidden according to rules.

My suggestion for preveinting this misusing of being moderator : Atwar Admins should add " Rate" Button for moderators and after some amount of negative rates mods. have to resign automatically.
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
02.08.2016 - 10:24
Banlist appeal thread is active again recently, and that mute can be solved if you just pm a moderator or admin to unmute you as you did advertise for a game and that is what global chat if for.
Moderators are volunteers and they make mistakes like every human, no need to call them dictators lol
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
02.08.2016 - 10:39
Eshkruar nga The_Empirezz, 02.08.2016 at 10:24

Banlist appeal thread is active again recently, and that mute can be solved if you just pm a moderator or admin to unmute you as you did advertise for a game and that is what global chat if for.
Moderators are volunteers and they make mistakes like every human, no need to call them dictators lol

that wasnt mistake he deleted my messegae 1 times and muted me when i messaged same thing again
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
02.08.2016 - 10:39
Eshkruar nga ulvi., 02.08.2016 at 10:18

My suggestion for preveinting this misusing of being moderator : Atwar Admins should add " Rate" Button for moderators and after some amount of negative rates mods. have to resign automatically.

A rate button seems sort of unnecessary. If there is enough demand for a demotion of a moderator, admins will likely do it (in the case of e Mare). Do you really except rate system to not be abused - people will make alts and guest accounts to destroy a moderators rating.

Eshkruar nga The_Empirezz, 02.08.2016 at 10:24

Moderators are volunteers and they make mistakes like every human, no need to call them dictators lol

For moderators being human, is such a overused argument. People that choose to be volunteers (for any task in life) gain power in some way over someone else and have a responsibility to not make mistakes with it. Every time a mod messes up "we are only human", how about players start using that when they mess up. "We are only human, I promise not to post 100 message advertising my game again, it was an accident". Moderators need to fix this because they are so bias weather they like to admit it to them selves or not. If that was Waffel or even me, the chances are it would have slid because I'm a supporter and Waffel is a friend to most moderators.

Don't believe me? Look at Brianwl, he is a terrific moderator (yes a bit inactive recently due to life) - to my knowledge I have never seen him have to apologies for accidently muting/punishing anyone. If he can do it, why can the other moderators, after all they are given so much power, its the least they can do is learn strong self regulation and not make mistakes.

NOTE: I'm not attacking any moderator in specific (especially Dino since he was the one mentioned in the main post of this topic), I'm just speaking in general to all moderators.
Be Humble
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
02.08.2016 - 10:42
"3.4 Do not post about locked or deleted threads or other moderation actions on forums or in public chat channels in game."

I invite you to remake a version of this thread, but in a way coinciding with the AtWar rules. Maybe inquire about the global rules in questions forum or post a suggestion for an amendment of an AW rule, but don't single out mods and say "this person did this action wrong and mods are dictators".

I can assure you Dino is a great person and fair mod, if you PM him instead of making a thread then your matters will be sorted out much quicker.

Concerning this thread, it is -obviously- locked.
We are not the same - I am a Martian.
We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?

duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...

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