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postuar nga DeepFriedUnicorn, 13.05.2021 - 13:42
It's been and happening for Decades now and is a difficult situation. Any ideas?

Although this idea is risky, just thought of it now. A coalition of smaller, Weaker and less geopolitical influence lead by the UN(Not the security Council or the Big countries in it) and land troops in the whole region of Palestine and Israel. Just like in the Golan heights(Currently) , Peacekeepers on rotation to stop Isreali attacks on the Lebanon and Syria?

Or The UN should just create the Nation of Judea and the "The Republic of The UN Effort of the Palestinian Nation"
(Protected by the UN)?

They good? They Bad? Your veiws?
27.05.2021 - 12:13
Eshkruar nga Ruse, 27.05.2021 at 11:55

What is an israel?

a bunch of jackasses who decided not to listen to the torah
The red flag shall rise and the fascists shall be put to their knees.
We shall fight with every last one of us and behead all of the remaining neo nazis and nationalists around the world
Communism shall rise when the time comes
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
02.06.2021 - 07:54
Eshkruar nga Augustus Caesar, 15.05.2021 at 20:28

I'm not sure of any ideas but being Israeli must be nice, you can commit some of the worst crimes in humanity and get away with it like it wasn't your fault.

Imagine you commit genocide on christians in Sarajevo and Srebrenica and use christians as slave labor to dig your tunnels in Sarajevo and get away with it like it wasnt your fault.
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
02.06.2021 - 08:23
Eshkruar nga Skanderbeg, 02.06.2021 at 07:54

Didn't the Serbs get caught putting Bosniak Muslims into concentration camps?
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
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duke u karikuar...
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