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postuar nga clovis1122, 25.11.2014 - 18:07

Clan War Report: Suomi, The Finnish Clan 22/11/14.


AtWar is growing, consequence of this is the number of new clans participating on this season. Many players are coming with their friends for play and have fun.

This time, I got the chance of spectate one of those clans: Suomi.

It was a 4 vs 4 CW on the standard map, Europe + . Extra cities on, and 5K funds. Illyria gently accepted the CW with no upgrades, for balance the rank/upgrades advantage.


(10)Marko Ivkovic (Ferlucci) as Poland.
(10)Skenderbeu as Belgium.
(10)Khal.ieesi as Ukraine.
(10)kgb panteri123 (Anadolu) as Serbia.


(6)ruuhis47 as Portugal.
(6)T.T as Greece.
(5)CrexStar as Ireland.
(8) Sander99 as Austria.

I had interview the founder, Sander99, about his personal opinion of Suomi and Clan wars:

[pr] clovis11.22: Sander99: can I ask you some questions?
[pr] Sander99: ok
[pr] clovis11.22: Sander99: So Suomi seems like a new clan !!! And this is the clan's 3rd cw
[pr] clovis11.22: Sander99: What do you think about it?
[pr] Sander99: we will go ahead with defensive tactic and we doesn't look for a win
[pr] Sander99: but we think we can maybe win this
[pr] clovis11.22: Sander99: You guys are looking for enjoy this clan war it seems.
[pr] Sander99: yes
[pr] clovis11.22: Sander99: So how was the clan founded?
[pr] Sander99: my friend got premium and me and all my friends who play atwar joined
[pr] clovis11.22: Sander99: So you guys are all from the same country? Which one!
[pr] Sander99: Finland.
[pr] clovis11.22: Sander99: Awesome! How does it feel to play clan war with friends from the same country?
[pr] Sander99: nice we can use our own language and its easier to communicate.
[pr]clovis11.22: Sander99: One last question!
[pr] clovis11.22: Sander99: What are your expectation about the future of Suomi?
[pr] Sander99: very bright we think we can also win cws in future
[pr] clovis11.22: Sander99: cool! Wish you guys the best of the lucks!
[pr] Sander99: Thanks.

And this is how turn goes!

Turn 2:

Turn 3:

Turn 4:

Turn 5:

After ruuhis47 (Portugal, yellow) move everybody got amazed. He recap his teanmate and also took london. Some of the game chat replies:

Turn 6:

Turn 7:

What? Ferlucci takes Ukraine!!!

Turn 8:

Turn 9:

Turn 10:

Final: Turn 11:

Player of the match: ruuhis47.

And there they goes! Soon after this cw, Suomi follows their way to cw Mystical Society!.

What do you think about new atWar clans? Please vote: >>> <<<
26.11.2014 - 22:47
Eshkruar nga RaulPB, 26.11.2014 at 15:44

Eshkruar nga Tirpitz406, 26.11.2014 at 14:59

Eshkruar nga Guest, 26.11.2014 at 13:55

This thread got so derailed that it is considered a tragedy

EU is considering sanctions on waffel and trooper

The UN declares them rogue
"In atWar you either die a hero or live long enough to ally fag and gang bang some poor bastards."

"In this game, everyone is hated."
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
27.11.2014 - 02:36
Eshkruar nga Sun Tsu, 26.11.2014 at 09:51

Good article Clovis its obvious to me you have worked hard on this, shame it got trolled..
Why people hate others for wanting to add value to a game I will never know, if people do want to become a mod then you should support suitable candidates like clovis and el creyente, not troll their forum articles. Better still if you don't like it, ignore. Looks like an attention seek to me. And trooper you are probably the best dj on the game IMO..

Bruh..... >suitable candidates like clovis and el creyente. Only reason elcreyente has a clean history, is because devil is rejecting every report about him, I have screen that so many times he insulted people with horrible diseases and even talked about their family. Is this the example you want to give new people? lol.
So you actually support fake people who just support AW for what? 1 month? 2 months? to become immidiatly mod, if this was the case all of AW would become mods within a year...
Also you guys call everything troll nowdays wtf is wrong with you people? Sun, this whole comment of you is based on opinions. Yes we all know you and creyente are buttbuddies, and it pretty obvious clovis will merge into ''cute'' couple and will make it an ''extraordinairy trio'', but one thing, go ahead with the support forums, but dont feel like bragging/walking around with it like you guys deserve something for it.
I find it really weird you guys go from not caring at all, into 24/7 ''supporting'' the game and lets act ''nice'' to get ''liked'' by the community.

Eshkruar nga Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
27.11.2014 - 03:35
Eshkruar nga Waffel, 27.11.2014 at 02:36

Bruh..... >suitable candidates like clovis and el creyente. Only reason elcreyente has a clean history, is because devil is rejecting every report about him, I have screen that so many times he insulted people with horrible diseases and even talked about their family. Is this the example you want to give new people? lol.
So you actually support fake people who just support AW for what? 1 month? 2 months? to become immidiatly mod, if this was the case all of AW would become mods within a year...
Also you guys call everything troll nowdays wtf is wrong with you people? Sun, this whole comment of you is based on opinions. Yes we all know you and creyente are buttbuddies, and it pretty obvious clovis will merge into ''cute'' couple and will make it an ''extraordinairy trio'', but one thing, go ahead with the support forums, but dont feel like bragging/walking around with it like you guys deserve something for it.
I find it really weird you guys go from not caring at all, into 24/7 ''supporting'' the game and lets act ''nice'' to get ''liked'' by the community.

I think people will agree with me when I say this but every time you post you're digging yourself into this huge hole. I think you're just a little butthurt because you know you won't even be considered to become a mod so not only are you butthurt but you're also trying to bring others who are doing good for the community down with you into this massive hole you're creating. I would advise you to stop because I can envisage a world where eventually players will get fed up of your antics and stop taking you seriously. All you're doing mate is isolating yourself from everyone. Evidence of this is you say I'm buttlicking my clan but that isn't the case since they're backing me up here. Where are your clan mates backing you up? Please don't reply to this either, just walk away.
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
27.11.2014 - 04:01
Eshkruar nga Trooper21, 27.11.2014 at 03:35

Eshkruar nga Waffel, 27.11.2014 at 02:36

Bruh..... >suitable candidates like clovis and el creyente. Only reason elcreyente has a clean history, is because devil is rejecting every report about him, I have screen that so many times he insulted people with horrible diseases and even talked about their family. Is this the example you want to give new people? lol.
So you actually support fake people who just support AW for what? 1 month? 2 months? to become immidiatly mod, if this was the case all of AW would become mods within a year...
Also you guys call everything troll nowdays wtf is wrong with you people? Sun, this whole comment of you is based on opinions. Yes we all know you and creyente are buttbuddies, and it pretty obvious clovis will merge into ''cute'' couple and will make it an ''extraordinairy trio'', but one thing, go ahead with the support forums, but dont feel like bragging/walking around with it like you guys deserve something for it.
I find it really weird you guys go from not caring at all, into 24/7 ''supporting'' the game and lets act ''nice'' to get ''liked'' by the community.

I think people will agree with me when I say this but every time you post you're digging yourself into this huge hole. I think you're just a little butthurt because you know you won't even be considered to become a mod so not only are you butthurt but you're also trying to bring others who are doing good for the community down with you into this massive hole you're creating. I would advise you to stop because I can envisage a world where eventually players will get fed up of your antics and stop taking you seriously. All you're doing mate is isolating yourself from everyone. Evidence of this is you say I'm buttlicking my clan but that isn't the case since they're backing me up here. Where are your clan mates backing you up? Please don't reply to this either, just walk away.

Bro first of all you have no idea what you are talking about.
If I wanted to become a mod, I would have started what you guys trying to do now, ages ago. I do not like to become a mod, mostly because I have some seen friends who became mod go from active to inactivity due the ''expectations'' when you become a mod, i have no interest in that all. After that I would probably become a terrible mod, because since I have no interest of the habbits of being a mod.
I am not bringing anyone down because my actions have nothing to do with the reactions, if you choose to curse/insult me or anything that must ''hurt'' me, thats all on you not on me. Also I see everybody giving their opinion and thoughts about it, when I do it its suddenly troll and not good? Trooper, either you like it or not, you cant tell me what to do and what not, same goes for me.
And seriously you are coming up with the clanmembers excuse now? Is this any relative to this whole discussion at all? I can handle my own discussions my own way. What do you call backup though? that el-creyente is saying ''I was happy when he deleted his acc''? This el-creyente all he says is ^ when someone ''supposed'' to insult me, nice example for moderation though, thats like saying khal backedup in a discussion i had with laochra, all khal said was '' idc about this topic, laochra is my clanmember so ofc I support him''
In the past when I did have clanmembers supporting me/backing me up without me even asking for it, you guys cried my ears out and called syndicate all names (reffering to the time you were in evol), so please dont start this once again.
I choose to reply since you have obviously no clue what you are talking or even implying about. First get to know the person before you start saying things about him. I do both know these people and I know they are no good, maybe they all seem holly to you, but in game and mostly BEFORE the modselections at all, they werent like this. They were FAR from this.
You a person which I guess has brains should have seen that, and should have thought about that.

Oh and for the record, I think you and I have both talked to much off-topic in this thread, so if you are willing to discuss further with me, pm/pr me about it, if you have the need to show our whole conversation to the whole community so your clanmembers can ''back you up'' make a thread and invite me for it.

Eshkruar nga Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
27.11.2014 - 04:07
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
27.11.2014 - 04:08
Eshkruar nga Trooper21, 27.11.2014 at 04:07

I think its safe to say GG, as you callled it.

Eshkruar nga Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
27.11.2014 - 04:12
Next time I might need to ask Mods to lock the post......
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
27.11.2014 - 04:21
Nice report clovis
nice new promising clan suomi (illyria can help you with trainining.laochra is our trainer, ask him in game for tips!)
nice bitch fight waf and trooper
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
27.11.2014 - 11:42
Good article as always clovis
But I wish you had chosen some other cws to write about. No disrespect either of these 2 clans but this wasn't quite umm engaging or good.
Its good to see new clans not being afraid to cw and I wish more clans follows same but this to seemed a bit like cake walk.
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
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