27.11.2016 - 21:33
I understand you may not actually want to read all this ( I wouldn't its kinda a lot lol) but I really want everyone who claims to be competitive to read through this and give thoughts/comments please, thanks! Something that I've noticed over the past year is that high ranks, myself included, have been very hostile to new player trying to come into the competitive scene. They may join a 3v3, 2v2, or whatever and make a pick that is not customary or widely accepted. Furthermore they might make a pick that is normal to these kind of games, but may not have the best expansion or the best movements throughout the game . In both cases, spectators or people in game start to rage real quick and drop comments like "wow noob" or "wtf is this bullshit I'm out"; you name it. I don't at all plead innocent to this, its very tempting to do since these kinds of players seem to ruin your game that you may have tried to remake four times!! But, let's put ourselves in these low ranks' shoes or new players' shoes. How would you feel if someone started publicly abusing you and embarrassing you in front of an entire game of people? You'd feel like crap! How likely would you be to rejoin another competitive game in the future? Chances are you ain't joinin no game of the sort in the future. Well here we are now.. "AW is dead" "wow this game is so dead" when yet in actuality.. IT ISNT! I know, wild claim, but here are the facts. The player number actually hasn't dropped drastically over the years according to Sun Tzu. A lot of competitive players have left, which is why AtWar seems dead. As all these competitive players are leaving because of real life situations, or just simply bored of the game, whose suppose to fill the void? The 1, or maybe 2 low ranks that 4 clans have trained over the years? Its simple as this, no AW is not dead, but the competitive scene IS dead. Why? Because of the negativity of players when they encounter a "noob" or a player who is new to the 3v3 scene and doesn't know what their doing. Why do so many players flock to RP and scenarios? BECAUSE THOSE PEOPLE ARE RECEPTIVE! A novel idea, I know, I know. Not because those games are fun (cos if u ask me waiting around for a game to start is not my definition of fun) or because the people there are really nice and open to anyone. Some of my closest friends that I've made on AW is not from the competitive scene, but from people I met when I first joined AW and played scenarios. Solution? Simple. Lets all try to be a little nicer to these new players. Instead of tell them they suck and be negative towards them, lets try to encourage them, and in turn, encourage the growth of competitive play. You want the CW scene to come back? That's up to everyone in the community. Let's all come together and try to be a little more positive in our treatment of new members to the competitive scene, and maybe we can "revive" the competitive scene and bring the CW levels back up, which I personally would love! Any thoughts? please post below
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duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
27.11.2016 - 23:18
Yep, the adopt a noob program is nice but i dont know how well it is working for training new players, i think if u see a noob who wants to play competitive take 10 minutes out of your time to explain him some basics and direct him to some useful forums. If you really feel like helping them personally train them for a while until you can set them free into the wild.
---- The enemy is in front of us, the enemy is behind us, the enemy is to the right and left of us. They cant get away this time! - General Douglas Mcarthur ![]()
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
Darth Zero Llogaria u fshi |
28.11.2016 - 00:01 Darth Zero Llogaria u fshi
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
28.11.2016 - 00:05
Agreed ![]() Very similar to what I've said before. I had this opinion then, and I had it now. Beginner lobby and window is thriving. New players are teaching each other as they figure out new tricks like I imagine it was done when the game first started, rather than an experienced high rank helping you out. We have rank 3s and 4s playing in main when such a thing was pretty rare before and even rarer after beginner lobby was opened upto rank 6. The older, better players have left (or are playing WW1 obsessively), but the newbies will fill that niche soon-ish. A couple years at most. And of course, I will still be rank 7 ![]() Sigh. I remember being rank 7 and looking at a noob rank 5 Franz...
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duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
28.11.2016 - 07:02
>scenario people are acceptive ![]() Here's what's really happening in scenarios. In competitive games are usually 3v3 with 6 equally important participants. In scenarios there are small, irrelevant factions like Romania in WW1 or Finland in WW2 where you can noob up and no one will give a fuck since you're not influencing the game whatsoever.
---- Someone Better Than You
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
28.11.2016 - 07:05
No burns intended, but you're a bit late Sultan. We've all noticed this for the past houndred years during which AW has been dying. Yet barely anyone has ever changed their manners since noobs tend to fuck up their games. It's something that has been talked in older topics as well.
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
28.11.2016 - 07:13
Atleast you're not Adog, he's been r9 for 3 years.
---- Someone Better Than You
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
28.11.2016 - 07:42
yea I'm aware, and i was going to post something earlier, but it didnt strike me until now the direness of the situation
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duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
28.11.2016 - 07:42
also, ur gif actually made me lol.. oh the irony
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duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
28.11.2016 - 08:31
Tfw, this is not why the competitive community is dead. Bugs, shitty servers, no admins and stagnant gameplay are why the competitive community is dead. The communities treatment of new players is an almost irrelevant factor. Literally every teamgame's community is shitty to new players who don't pull their weight in a game. I'm not condoning it but thats just the way things are. Admittedly due to aw's small community you might be better able to regulate it but you're not going to change human nature. Also there are only a small handful of players who have the right to be called "pro" on aw and ive never seen any of them be dicks to new players. It is actually bad players with big mouths who i often see doing this in games. Oh and grumpy ppl like commando. If you join a 3v3 you shouldnt expect high quality coordinated teammates. And "rps/scenarios are more receptive". Sult go join a ww1 game, pick uk or germany and deliberately make a balls of it around t5. You will know abuse like never before. tldr? ![]()
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duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
28.11.2016 - 11:00
I've done this many times xd theres always 1 person ya whose a dick, but majority of everyones always nice to me at least "only a small handful of players who have the right to be called "pro" on aw" ok no need to argue semantics lao
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duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
28.11.2016 - 11:51
What semantics? Gtfo r10 noob!
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duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
28.11.2016 - 12:38
Completely agree with the OP Thought I'd give perspective from myself, a typical low rank player, who wants to play 3v3 but can't due to not finding help so instead I go play RP, I find both styles of game fun and challenging ('competitive'-the thrill of having to plan several turns ahead, utilising everything I can get my hands on, RP- making strong relations, choosing your side wisely and playing on a large scale). There are ups and downs to both sides of the game, but the RP scene is much more accessible, people are generally nice in chat and answer any questions I have, have already met and made friends with some nice people. One thing I am disgruntled with is the lack of help from the 'competitive' scene, I have tried the FMC(find a mentor centre), messaged a solid chunk of people only to find out they aren't active anymore, so instead we have conversations about tactics etc. While this is helpful, I am given gold dust in my inbox I find this harder to implement in game, although I do thank the people I have spoken too for their time. As for the adopt-a-newb program, my application has been up for a few weeks now, I assume many have read it, but have only been approached by one player, then to be ignored by him when I ask what time they are free. It's simple, a player won't play anything where they suck at and can't find anyone willing to help them, I and many other new players will play RP where we do feel much more welcomed and will continue to play until the end of time. Everyone can idly type "I agree", without doing anything, those who will actively do something I have respect for.
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
28.11.2016 - 12:41
look up definition ![]()
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duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
28.11.2016 - 12:52
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duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
28.11.2016 - 16:23
I don't think players attitude towards noobs is the problem competitive scene is dead, because to compete at the highest level in atwar, paraphrasing tophats, you have to be a crazy phycho spending a great amount of time thinking, counting, memorizing, communicating, strategizing, stacking, merging and other brain cell burning activities. These kind of players wil not get discouraged easily by narbs ( noobs that act pro that are the ones mouthing off usually as lao said) and will join their first 3v3 after already have read forums at least a bit and watched some games, because that's the nature of a COMPETITIVE PLAYER. Not only in atwar but in all games. The sad truth is aw just CANT attract competitive players anymore, because these players want by nature to compete and this game cant offer them that anymore. I also don't remember any pro competitive player insulting noobs back in the day, except the usual cases of narbs (commando) or assholes ( kebabs, mauzar) or narb + assholes (commando), so the real problem is you don't have REAL COMPETITIVE players nowdays. (causation-//-effect)
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duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
28.11.2016 - 16:53
Lao is correct here sultan, aw is dead because of horrible servers, incompetent admins, and other issues related to the making of the game. While I am not a pro competitive, what lao said is the entirety of the reason why I do not play atwar much anymore.
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
28.11.2016 - 17:35
This is maybe the 100th thread made about the same issue. And yet you dont see any of those noobs u defend comment here since they cant even use the forum. It takes ages for a 3v3 to fill nowdays and after waiting for a long time for a noob to wf t1,or to make submarines as germany or not to send cash or to keep 40 units walled t1 or not to talk in ally chat its a bit messed up. I come here to play and have fun i cant care less about someone's feelings. If people who comment here and others are such a fragile little sissys then go play with dolls. I have the right to kick off my game ehoever the hell i want and i can play with whoever i want. If you , lao , gay dicksucking khal are such angels and care so much about noobs why dont you start hosting low rank 3v3 and help them out? Why dont u participate more at adopt a newb program and actually do something with a newb? If theres a problem in this community you hypocrites are the first one to point fingers at others instead of trying to fix it yourself. So to laochra and his faggots friends, again, if u rlly care about NOOBS try to do somethubg to fix the issue such as hosti g 3v3s and teaching them and dont give me that "i quit" bullshit, otherwise stay there as a player who quited the team and shut the fuck up. You were the one who loved to be a mod, a faggot mod meesterwannabe and then you throwed away the trust admins gave you, you left modship and started talking shit about the game,admins and other noobs. Youre one of the biggest hypocrite snakes in this game so before you callout my name again because i want to have fun in this game , first point that finger to you and maybe shove it up khals ass. Pretty sure he would love it Oh and i really dont care what a gay person like khal says about me. Gay people are to be burned alive therefor his opinion is multiplied with 0. Go suck some greek dick khal before talking bad about a straight man.
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duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
28.11.2016 - 18:25
Man that post made me laugh, such rage commando. >gets called grumpy and an asshole by khal and lao then proceeds to write a wall of text in response verifying both of those accusations. Way to go dickhead. And yea im adding dickhead to the list too after reading that homophobic nonsense. Anyone who talks about sucking dick as if its a bad thing deserves never to have his dick sucked.
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duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
28.11.2016 - 22:10
Happy to see you've finally accepted Islamofascism into your life Omar ![]() Shoot up any nightclubs recently? An app you may enjoy ---> www.grindr.com/
---- The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
28.11.2016 - 23:08
He recently took a trip to visit Ohio state
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duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
KingJim Llogaria u fshi |
29.11.2016 - 01:24 KingJim Llogaria u fshi
None of you guys actually respond to ce's point. He got a point there. Lao is a hypocrite fag. And i dont see him being nice to noobs either and want to act saint infront of everybody? What kind of act this irish fag pulling? Even made fun of a low rank that ask him 'hello how are you' even called me r6 when he got nothing to say. Thinking hes a rank 12 and most cool dude on atwar lol. Instead of saying stuff that doesnt make sense use some facts will ya lao? Instead of using hdrakon , pavle , low rank , im an ex mod, welcome to the list. As your escape plan. And if this game's dead what are you doing here man? Ahh right. Hypocrites back at it again
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
29.11.2016 - 01:30
Its not about religion . Its about the eastern european culture i was raised in. Maybe your ignorant brain doesnt understand that there are many cultures in the world and in eatern european one, lets just say fags arent welcomed. Oh and news flash idiot, eastern europeans arent muslims
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duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
Freeman Llogaria u fshi |
29.11.2016 - 02:11 Freeman Llogaria u fshi
You have bad mouse and connection, u can't take a country in due time and ur units stay in front of that city, now the mighty spectators come in: whoaaa, look at that city, hahaha, lol, gG, narb. Ofc, u as a spectator can't know such things so u just comment on what u see. I quit duelling on eu for like 15 games or so and this is one of the reasons, why duel on a preset which 'everybody' is pro in it. There are few ppl who pr you and tell u what to do, giving u tips, but it's rare. Ah, yea, you even get insulted if u stand up to one of these lads. I gotta admit, I've been once too mean to some guy and I regret it, he was just trying . . . new ppl who wanna come up can't do it easily if the 'aristocracy', the 'patriciate' of the eu+ are mean, insulting or simply dicks. But some offer their help pro bono, thumbs up for them. ![]() My two cents.
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
29.11.2016 - 02:18
A wise man tried to support gays by putting a stick in his ass ![]()
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duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
29.11.2016 - 04:40
Well, there you have the actual issue. Right now, there isn't an attitude problem from "competitive players", simply because we aren't active any more haha so instead of asking for assistance when you've noticed there's no one to help you, maybe you should try do what some of us did back in our days, learn by yourself. It's actually not that hard considering the information you can find nowadays in forums. But yeah, I obviously can understand your struggle and it's up to you to choose your path.
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
29.11.2016 - 05:25
are you serious about this?
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duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
29.11.2016 - 05:50
Oh, that explains all the Eastern Europeans executing gay people in Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the Islamic State! Wait no, it was Muslims who did that. ![]()
---- The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
A je i sigurt?