Eshkruar nga Tundy, 22.08.2016 at 02:06
Overpopulation has always been a 3rd world problem, the first world doesn't have overpopulation problems. If overpopulation is actually a problem then you will start seeing outbreaks of unknown diseases in Africa and India.
Some people really don't think... Having 30 million km2 and overpopulation cannot be used in the same sentence if you're logical. I still don't know a single country which suffers from overpopulation. There are some states which have clustersex in one region and then other region is wasteland/deserted, but that's not overpopulation.
If diseases start spreading, that would be due to lack of hygiene or industrial spill, biological war = all human error, overpopulation does not bring diseases if humans take care of themselves.
If West/1st world doesn't have overpopulation, that would be due colonization and genocide as America is created via colonization, Brazil, Argentina as well other countries while 1st world armies killed their population (50 million american indians) thus reducing the number of first world territories.
Overpopulation is just another stereotype in this manner you're using.