Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
Don't let all the r9's see this.
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
Eshkruar nga PleaseMe, 19.03.2019 at 05:48
Don't let all the r9's see this.
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
Wheres Turkey vs Cyprus
Not a good player
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
Thats a pretty bad Ukraine and bad rangeskills as well. no offense
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
Was happy the video had music.
40 seconds in and i had to mute youtube...
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
Eshkruar nga 4nic, 28.04.2019 at 15:06
Thats a pretty bad Ukraine and bad rangeskills as well. no offense
I have fun playing it like that
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
Eshkruar nga 4nic, 28.04.2019 at 15:06
Thats a pretty bad Ukraine and bad rangeskills as well. no offense
I have fun playing it like that
You must have fun losing a lot of games then.
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
Garde postimet: 2842 Nga: Canada
God my NC UK was so shit back then
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...