19.12.2021 - 05:43
Should Deranking be a thing? espically fora rank12 that cant wall lol its very sad to see high ranks playey by idiots while pros on guest accounts but why?
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
19.12.2021 - 06:53
Rank means nothing
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
19.12.2021 - 07:06
Rank really means nothing
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
19.12.2021 - 07:54
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
19.12.2021 - 08:48
You will have to demote 90% of high ranks that started in 2019 because of sp inflation
---- Orcs are a horde, much like Turks. Elves and Men are light skinned, Orcs are often darker/sallow skinned, like Turks. Istanbul?Thats not how you pronounce Constantinople
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
19.12.2021 - 21:55
are u included in the demotion?
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
20.12.2021 - 08:42
Rank means a lot, It helps identifying retards.
---- Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
15.01.2022 - 02:07
What rank is your main account? Because this one isnt premium which means you either dont have a job or you're too much of a stinge to support the game with real money.or you're hiding behind another account to try and trigger people or you're a kid... that last option actually makes a lot of sense... oversimplifying their view on the world/thinking rank should be decided by skill when its obvious elo is there to measure skill. Which for the most part works pretty well. I'm just curious what kind of psychological profile is required to 1. Make this post. 2. Think it is valid and 3. Name drop people you think are less than you because they play scenarios and world 50k games... not everyone thinks eu10k is fun after 8 years. This shit is dumb. Needs to be locked and archived and your accoint investigated.
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
15.01.2022 - 18:36
your IQ is really low the votes prove that i am right and you are wrong, just cause you suck doesn't make me a troll many users been playing for years yet they dont have premium grow up kiddo why not your account should be investigated?
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
17.01.2022 - 15:07
Actually, who assured you that you haven't gotten trolled with the votes? I don't sense too much seriosness in this overall ofc I didn't troll with my vote... like, come on, why would one ever suspect about me?
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people.
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
A je i sigurt?