(will wait for plebs to quote me and say how slaughter of Jews, gypsies slavs, homosexuals, mentally and physically disabled was okay because they were all secretly involved in global illuminati conspiracy of the New World Order headed by a base on the Dark Side of the Moon with alien overlords who planted the first seeds of life on Earth and have affected history for all of these things to occur).
LOLOLOL I'm laughing. History Channel much?
But you do have a point, Human being and Humanity itself arent perfect.
> History Channel
They went downhill a long, long time ago in a galaxy far far away.
-->History Channel is the one who broadcasts nonsense about how aliens helped humans build things, helped Incas, the mayans, made the Nazca thingies, etc.. which is funny af lel
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...