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postuar nga Aetius, 26.02.2018 - 01:16

Winner of the War (by end of game, most VPs):

Russia (The_Empirezz)

2. trsid (UK)
3. majorian (France)

Winner of the Congress:
(so far)
1. Russia (30pts)
2 UK (20 pts)


The Congress of Vienna consists of 7 items. The goal of the Congress is to gain as much points as possible for your nation. The winner of the congress will be recorded, as well the second and third below the winner of the War in the ending post of this game.
Certain nations are responsible for crating proposals for each item (pm them to me). Then all nations vote on the proposal, aye or nay. If rejected, then the next day another person works on the proposal, see below for more details. The aim of this diplomatic game is to make deals, perhaps losing chances at gaining points in return for factions voting for you in other areas.
Each player has the following voting power:

Major Powers
 Tsar Alexander I of Russia (4 votes)
 Viscount Castlereagh of Great Britain (3 votes)
 Prince Clemens von Metternich of Austria (2 votes)
 Marquis de Talleyrand of France (2 votes)
 King Frederick William III of Prussia (2 votes)

(+1 vote power for being winner, +1 for being on winning camp, +1 for being in top 3, 1 for being a major power)

Outrage Mechanic
Each nation may, TWICE during the Congress, on any vote become OUTRAGED (ie throwing a shitfit and promising to resume war blabla). They make a die roll, divide by 2 (rounded up) and add that much to their vote.

Minor power influence
UK may during any one vote in the Congress, attach Sweden's influence to it giving +1 vote power
Russia may during any one vote in the Congress, attach the Ottoman Empires influence to it giving +1 vote power

Due to controlling some regions, some nations get free points from the very start.
UK: 10pts (Holstein)
Russia: 30 pts (Lublin)

UK and Russia may offer these up in any of the treaties and lose these points if they desire. Russia may also return Tarnpol and Lemburg for -20pt penalty (with austria gaining 20 pts).

Item 1: What to do with Napoleon?
Napoleon, the most infamous leader of France still rules, and has not abdicated. Perhaps the most contentious issue of the Congress, no Empire is very keen to see him stay on the throne, and many believe peace is impossible as long as he remains in power. REmoving him would be a notworthy end to the Napoleonic Wars, however if some Empire(s) support him, he may be gracious inr eturn.

The French Throne:
a. Napoleon remains Emperor (France +100 pts)
b. Bourbon Restoration, Napoleon Exiled (UK +40 pts), (Russia +20pts),(Prussia+20 pts),(Austria +20 pts)

Special: Because Napoleon remains unbeaten, and the people love him and hate the Bourbons, France has 4 votes here.

This item will be resolved by simple majority.

Item 2: The territorial settlement of Saxony and the Grand Duchy of Warsaw

Since it was Russia that has occupied most of the area, the Chairman begins by calling on the leader of the Russian delegation to propose a motion concerning the future of these regions.

In the case of the former Grand Duchy, each area (Gdansk,Poznan,Torun,Warsaw,Bialystok,Lodz,Krakow) may be:
a. put under Russian control (Russia +30pts ea)
b. handed over to Prussia (Prussia+30 pts ea)
c. handed over to Austria (Austria +30 pts ea)
d. granted independence in a reconstituted Kingdom of Poland (France +30 pts ea)

In the case of the Kingdom of Saxony, the Kingdom is worth 100 points in total. It can be split into 10 pt parts between Austria (who wishes Saxony to be under a King loyal to them) or Prussia (annexed as a province)

Propose a split. (example: 60 to Prussia, 40 to Saxony)

Russia lays claim to Finland for aiding the Swedish baltic fleet and lack of territories to gain elsewhere in europe
1. Ceded to Russia (Russia +40pts ), UK -20 pts,
2. Remains part of Sweden

Veto Clause
Russia, Prussia or Austria may veto the entire proposal if they are alone vs the other two and have the support of one other major power

If the Russian motion is not carried when a vote is taken the Prussian delegation will be offered to propose an alternative.
If this Prussian motion is not carried, the Austrian delegation leader to propose a motion, which must fulfill the same conditions as the other before it can be passed.

If at least two of the motions failed because condition (a) Russia, Prussia and Austria voted against them, then Russia, Prussia and Austria must deduct 20 points each from their scores. The voting procedure outlined above is repeated and if no proposal is carried the same penalty may be imposed again. It should be clear that continued deadlock over the Polish and Saxon issues will so penalize Russia, Prussia and Austria that they cannot possibly win the Congress. If other powers are responsible for a dead lock, no penalty is inflicted.

Item 3:The territorial settlement of North and West Germany

The Chairman first calls upon the British delegation's leader to propose a motion concerning these regions;

Oldenburg, Munster, Mecklenburg and Hanover, each area may be:
a. handed over to Hanover/Sweden(UK+10 pts ea, Hanover is +20 pts)
b. handed over to Prussia(Prussia +10 pts ea, Hanover is +20 pts)
c. granted the status of independent states.

For Hesse, Thuringia, and Franconia there are only two possibilities - they may be:
a. handed over to Prussia(Prussia +10 pts ea )
b. granted the status of independent states. (France +10 pts ea)

Swedish Pomerania:
a. handed over to Prussia(Prussia +10 pts ea ), (UK-10 pts)
b. Remains with Sweden

The Rhineland
a. Granted to Prussia(Prussia +40 pts )
b. Remains with France (France +40 pts )

Status of Switzerland:
a. Swiss Neutrality Guranteed by all
b. Remains under French Control (France +20 pts )

Veto Clause
Britain, France and Prussia may veto the entire proposal if they are alone vs the other two and have the support of one other major power

If the British motion is not carried when a vote is taken, the Chairman calls on the leader of the French delegation to propose an alternative.
If this French motion is not carried, the Chairman calls on the Prussian delegation leader to propose a motion, which must fulfill the same conditions as the other before it can be passed.

If all three motions are defeated the Congress reverts back to informal negotiation for a period determined by the Chairman. If at least two of the motions failed because Britain, France and Prussia voted against them, then Britain, France and Prussia must deduct 20 points each from their scores, and it is repeated.

Item 4: The territorial settlement of Italy and the Adriatic

The Chairman calls on the Austrian delegation leader to propose a motion concerning the Italian regions;

The Status of Piedmont:
a. Restored to Sardinia (UK+20 pts )
b. Remain part of France (France +20 pts)
c. Come under Austrian influence (Austria +20 pts)

For Genoa:
a. be handed over to to Piedmont (UK+10 pts )
b. be handed over to to France (France+10 pts )
c. become an independent state again

For the Kingdom of Two Sicilies:
a. remain under French influence, King Lannes (France+40 pts )
b. come under Austrian influence (Austria +40 pts)
c. became a completely independent state. (UK+40 pts )

For the Ionian Islands:
a. Return to Venice IF Venice remains independent
b. become part of Austria, IF the rest of Venice is handed over to Austria (Austria +20 pts)
c. Remain under Russian Influence, regardless of what happens to the rest of Venice (Russia+20 pts )
d. be handed over to Britain, regardless of what happens to the rest of Venice(UK+20 pts )

For the Dalmation provinces of Venice:
a. remain part of Venice IF Venice remains independent
b. become part of Austria, regardless of what happens to the rest of Venice (Austria +10 pts)

For mainland Venice and the state of Milan:
a. Both fall under influence of Austria (Austria +40 pts)
b. Only Milan falls under influence of Austria, Venice regains independence (Austria +20 pts)
c. Both become independent states again.

For the Papal States
a. Romagna falls under the influence Austria (Austria +10 pts)
b. Granted Independence

a. Confirmed as British (UK+10 pts )
b. Granted Independence

Tyrol, Laibach, Trieste
a. Restored to Austria
b. Remains as a French province (France+40 pts , Austria -40 pts)

Veto Clause
Austria, Britain and France may veto the entire proposal if they are alone vs the other two and have the support of one other major power

If the Austrian motion is not carried when a vote is taken, the Chairman calls on the leader of the British delegation to propose an alternative.
If this British motion is not carried, the Chairman calls on the French delegation leader to propose a motion, which must fulfill the same conditions as the other before it can be passed.

If all three motions are defeated the Congress reverts back to informal negotiation for a period determined by the Chairman. If at least two of the motions failed because Austria, Britain and France voted against them, then Austria, Britain and France must deduct 20 points each from their scores, and the process is repetaed again.

Item 5:The future form of the Germanic Confederation

After informal negotiations, the Congress holds a formal session and the Chairman puts the following motions:

a. That a strong Confederation under joint Austro-Prussian leadership be established. (Austria +30pts) (Prussia +30 pts)
b. That a weak confederation under joint Austro-Prussian leadership be established.
c. That a strong Confederation under Austrian leadership be established. (Austria +60pts)
d. That a weak Confederation under Austrian leadership be established. (Austria +20pts)(UK+10 pts ), (France+10 pts ), (Russia+10 pts )

For a motion to be carried it must receive at 10 votes, and must have the support of Prussia, Austria, France or Britain.
If no motion is carried after the first vote, then each of these four powers will lose ten points from its total.
The Congress reverts to a session of informal negotiation and is then recalled to vote on the motions again, with the same penalties being imposed if no settlement is reached. When a settlement is achieved, it is recorded under Section 5 of the Score sheet and the points gained by each power for this item is calculated.

Item 6: The Holy Alliance

After informal negotiations, the Congress holds a formal session and the Chairman puts the following motions:

The alliance formed to instill the divine right of kings and Christian values in European political life, as pursued by the tsar under the influence of his adviser Baroness Barbara von Krüdener. The monarchs of Orthodox (Russia), Catholic (Austria) and Protestant (Prussia) confession promise to act on the basis of "justice, love and peace", both in internal and foreign affairs, for "consolidating human institutions and remedying their imperfections."

Shall the Holy Alliance be allowed to form:
a. Yes (Russia +100 pts)
b. No

This motion is carried by simple majority.

Item 7: Low Countries and Colonies
The Chairman first calls upon the British delegation's leader to propose a motion concerning these regions;

For the Low Countries
a. The Kingdom of the Netherlands is to be formed from all of Netherlands and Belgium (UK+50 pts )
b. The Kingdom of the Netherlands is to comprise of the Netherlands, Belgium is to be restored to Austria (UK+30 pts ), (Austria +20pts)
c. The Kingdom of the Netherlands is to comprise of the Netherlands, Belgium is to be restored to France (UK+30 pts ), (France+20 pts )

The Dutch colonies of Ceylon and Cape Town
a. Fall under the protected of the British Empire (UK+30 pts )
b. Remain Dutch

The French West Indies
a. Ceded to the British Empire (UK+20 pts )
b. Remain French (France+20 pts )

Veto Clause
Austria, Britain and France may veto the entire proposal if they are alone vs the other two and have the support of one other major power

If the British motion is not carried when a vote is taken, the Chairman calls on the leader of the French delegation to propose an alternative.
If this French motion is not carried, the Chairman calls on the Austrian delegation leader to propose a motion, which must fulfill the same conditions as the other before it can be passed.
If all three motions are defeated the Congress reverts back to informal negotiation for a period determined by the Chairman. If at least two of the motions failed because Austria, Britain and France voted against them, then Austria, Britain and France must deduct 20 points each from their scores, and the process is repetaed again.

Overarching Questions:
1. What to do with Napoleon?
2. What to do with the rest of Europe (France, Holy Roman Empire, other borders)?

Hosted by Emperor of Austria, who took little part in its work, the Congress of Vienna was dominated by the following individuals:

 Prince Clemens von Metternich of Austria
 Viscount Castlereagh of Great Britain
 Marquis de Talleyrand of France
 Tsar Alexander I of Russia
 King Frederick William III of Prussia

Along with these five powerful men were thousands of diplomats and agents representing the interests of smaller powers and various associations. The challenge facing these diplomats was to create a stable Europe out of the ruins of the Napoleonic system.

The first guests began arriving in Vienna in late August. In September when Castlereagh, Tsar Alexander and King Frederick William arrived, the host, Emperor Francis, announced their arrival with a cannon salute while huge crowds watched the procession. Over the next nine months, the delegates debated, intrigued, and sometimes threatened one another, all while accompanied by string quartets and lavish banquets and ceremonies. Over three hundred carriages with gilded wheels drawn by horses with their manes plumed with colored ribbons were held in readiness at all times to transport visiting royalty. The glitter of royalty was part of Metternich's plan to make Europe forget about all the revolutionary times and changes they brought and help lead the way towards a return to the "Old Order." (To pay for these excesses, the Emperor imposed a 50% tax increase upon the people of Vienna).

N.B.: The goal of the Congress was not to divide ALL of the land in Europe between the 5 great powers; rather, there would still be many dozens of independent political entities moving forward.

Marquis De Talleyrand France

Personal Information: History might consider you a master "turncoat" since under the "Old Regime" you had been a bishop and a courtier. As the revolution proceeded, you betrayed the church, but then as Napoleon began to rise you turned your back on the revolution to attach yourself to Napoleon's coattails. After Napoleon's defeat and exile to Elba you dedicated yourself to serving the restored Bourbon king, Louis VIII. Napoleon was not completely charmed by you, however, as he once referred to you as a "silk stocking filled with mud." In your defense, however, it was because of your leadership and political maneuvering that France was admitted to the Congress of Vienna as an equal negotiator, despite being the defeated nation.

Your role at the Congress in the negotiations:
You want to keep France's losses to a minimum and would like to see France returned to what you consider the natural boundaries (Rhine river and the Alps, holdings in italy), even though you realize that as the defeated nation you will probably lose some territory. What you must constantly remind the others about is that weakening France and letting another European nation become too strong will threaten peace and stability in Europe.

One of your important goals is to create an independent Poland and to not let Russia simply take over
this entire territory. This will be tough because Russia will demand the territory for all of the destruction that occurred during Napoleon's invasion. Therefore, you will need support in this goal and you consider Austria and Prussia as most likely to support you in some sort of compromise.

Tsar Alexander I Russia

Personal Information: As commander of the largest army in the world, you take pride in your Empire's burgeoning power. You believe in the occult (supernatural), often go to séances, and confide in a mystic, Madame Krudener. At the Congress, you believe that you are there on a great mission ordained by heaven. You think of yourself as an enlightened and just prince ruling over a nation of grateful subjects, but in reality, your Russia was the most autocratic and your subjects had the fewest rights of any nation at the Congress.

You are 37, tall, handsome, and incredibly vain. You believe that you are irresistible to women, and in order to prove this to Metternich (the host), you took one of his former mistresses; though this, you wanted to not only prove yourself equal to Metternich, but you hoped to gain confidential information through her. You begin to hate Metternich, especially after he tried to turn the Prussian Prince against you, so you challenged him to a duel.

While the duel never happened, you do steadfastly ignore him and you insist on your demand of Poland. You skip his receptions and try to avoid him at the Palace where both of your mistresses live; at the palace, you do meet Madame Krudener and your Holy Alliance moves to the front of your mind.

Your role at the Congress in the negotiations: You want to move Russia from the edge of Europe/Asia to be accepted as a truly great power in the European community. You want Poland and Finland as compensation for fighting Napoleon. Your primary goal (some called it a foolish distraction) is to create a Holy Alliance (Russia, Prussia and Austria) to shape foreign policy according the Jesus'
teachings. Prussia and Austria have reservations about your sincerity, but are willing to go along with it
(Metternich of Austria refers to it as "loud sounding nothing."

King Frederick William III Prussia

Personal Information: You are undoubtedly the least influential of the great representatives at Vienna, largely because you are not very bright and are very timid. You really became the "yes man" for Tsar Alexander of Russia, whom you greatly admired. Another negotiator, the able Karl von Hardenberg, was there with you and did play a role as well, although he suffered from a severe hearing problem at the time of conference that handicapped his performance.

Your role at the Congress in the negotiations: You want to get Saxony, a major German state, but Metternich opposes this (he wants Austria to be the dominant German state, not Prussia). You need support, preferably from Russia, to get Saxony. You also feel that Prussia played a key role in defeating Napoleon, and therefore the principle of compensation should be employed - in other words, Prussia should somehow benefit territorially from France's defeat.

During the Napoleonic wars you kept Prussia neutral until joining the 3rd coalition in 1805. However, Prussia lost about half of its land (its Polish and western territories), which you are now desperate to regain. You are prepared to join Russia and Austria in the Holy Alliance.

Prince Metternich of Austria

Personal Information: You are a vain and arrogant aristocrat who opposes all democratic ideals of the French Revolution. You admire the "Old Regime" institutions of class distinction, a strong monarchy, and huge empires. You fear what the rising revolutionary spirit in the world will do to the ruling Austrian family, the Hapsburgs. Your influence at the Congress of Vienna is so great that some historians have called the period after Napoleon the "Age of Metternich."

At the Congress, you were the chairman, planner and master of ceremonies. You were admired by the other diplomats for your courtly style. You were often attired in a gold embroidered coat and sash. Although you often let it appear that you were spending time with one of your many mistresses, in actuality you were studying intelligence reports submitted to you by spies who probed wastebaskets and eavesdropped on any conversations they could. Because of a personal disagreement with the Tsar (more info below), only the Tsar did not attend your weekly receptions. When Napoleon escapes, you do finally mend your relationship with the Tsar.

Your role at the Congress in the negotiations: As the key manipulator you are committed to a number of principles: you believe a balance of power in Europe must be maintained. It is critical to Austrian security that Russia and Prussia not expand their influence on Austrian territory. Secondly, like Talleyrand, you believe in legitimacy, that is returning the traditional or legitimate heirs to their thrones. (for example, putting Louis XVIII, a Bourbon king, back on the French throne). Thirdly, you believe in compensation, or rewarding those nations that fought Napoleon.

You are also deeply concerned about Austria's position. You want Austria to be the dominant state among "the German peoples, consequently you are concerned about Prussia and any expansion of its territory or influence." You do NOT want to punish and humiliate France because you believe that doing so would lead to a desire for revenge and future wars. So you do not want to strip France of its territory and all its power. Also, you realize that weakening France too much would result in the increased strength of another nation in Europe, and a strong Russia, in particular, would pose a threat to Austrian security and the balance of power. Therefore, along with Castlereagh (Great Britain), you oppose the acquisition of Poland by Russia.

You also oppose the creation of a united Italian nation; in fact, you would like to see Austria acquire some Italian territories.

You are a master at playing countries off one another. In an effort to split up the Prussian-Russian friendship, you sent misinformation Frederick William of Prussia about the Tsar's plans for Poland.
The Tsar challenged you to a duel, but fortunately the duel never happened.

Viscount Castlereagh Great Britain

Personal Information: You are arrogant, bossy, moody, troubled, and disliked by the public, although you are very bright and capable. At the Congress, your role was critically important as you wanted to maintain peace in Europe and arrange the map so that no great power would feel a need to resort to war. Because of your diplomatic skills you feel that you would be an excellent arbiter between those powers that did have conflicting claims.

Your role at the Congress in the negotiations: One principle that you feel the Congress must follow is to restore a balance of power in Europe. You realize that peace is good for trade, and although you and France under Napoleon have been bitter enemies, France had been your best trade customer. You believe that England, and you in particular, can serve as an arbiter in European disputes since you have no claims to any territory in continental Europe. Also, since you have been at war with France from 1793 during the French Revolution until 1814, you desire territorial compensation from France of some sort (although not necessarily in territorial Europe—some French colonies would be nice).

You do believe that the French borders should be decreased and forced back to the ancient boundaries, not the "natural" boundaries that France claims should be hers. And although France should lose territory, you feel strongly that one of the great powers should have mastery in Europe - you realize the danger of a powerful Russia just as much as a powerful France.

You work with Metternich to prevent Russia from getting Poland completely, but you can see that Russia should have some claims to further territorial influence. A primary concern, though, is to be sure that all the Allied powers work together first against Napoleon, and later to restore Europe. You oppose any liberal democratic movements that would threaten to upset the delicate balance of power that you feel is necessary to keep peace in Europe. And finally, representing Britain, you don't lay claim to any territory in Europe, but you feel strongly that Britain should be compensated for their key role in defeating Napoleon by acquiring colonial territory around the world.
14.03.2018 - 15:11
==1810, Winter==
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
16.03.2018 - 10:03
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
16.03.2018 - 10:33
Sry lost my discord account again :/ can i please get the link
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
16.03.2018 - 10:47
Here are my turns
-Spain Costanos in Madrid + 3 Divs under him there making up for 9 divs (3 french)
-Denmark repair the squadroon in Copenhagen
-France:Napoleon free deployment to Wurtenburg + Davout (also he picks up 2 units from marsilles) for 5 CP's repair the marisiles squadroon for 1 CP i have 12 CP's or 6 Free units which i will make in Burgundy
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
16.03.2018 - 11:46
Build 5 divs in berlin
pay 2 cp for the system

>playing atwar:

Furthermore, I consider that NWE must be destroyed
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
16.03.2018 - 13:25
Repair my ship and send fleet back to baltic sea. 2cp

Move gustav and 2 divs from stockholm. Collect 2 divs in oslo. Land in straslund.
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
16.03.2018 - 14:37
Recruit Schwarzenberg and one division in Linz, redeploy Charles in Linz. Join coalition, declare on France
Someone Better Than You
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
16.03.2018 - 15:41
War goes on with France.
Recruit 2 divisions in St. Petersburg.
Move Konstantin (on his own) to Borisov. (redeployment)
Recruit Barclay in the Tula academy.
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
16.03.2018 - 16:21
I modify roll by -1 to peace. Throw 1 card.

1 fleet in cornwall. 1 in Yorck
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
17.03.2018 - 05:30
Eshkruar nga The_Empirezz, 16.03.2018 at 15:41

War goes on with France.
Recruit 2 divisions in St. Petersburg.
Move Konstantin (on his own) to Borisov. (redeployment)
Recruit Barclay in the Tula academy.

Do otto too
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
17.03.2018 - 12:39
Eshkruar nga j-e-s-u-s, 16.03.2018 at 11:46

Build 5 divs in berlin
pay 2 cp for the system

Assume you mean 3 divs

Eshkruar nga Phoenix, 16.03.2018 at 13:25

Repair my ship and send fleet back to baltic sea. 2cp

Move gustav and 2 divs from stockholm. Collect 2 divs in oslo. Land in straslund.

Can't combine land/sea movement and/or can't cross through straits of copenhagen
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
17.03.2018 - 13:44
Ottoman interphase: build 2 divisions in Edirne
move yosuf to pickup the 4 divisions in Edirne already present and drop them in Borisov
Ali pasha builds another division in Belgrade, otherwise in edirne if that is not possible,
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
17.03.2018 - 15:31
Eshkruar nga Aetius, 17.03.2018 at 12:39

Eshkruar nga j-e-s-u-s, 16.03.2018 at 11:46

Build 5 divs in berlin
pay 2 cp for the system

Assume you mean 3 divs

Eshkruar nga Phoenix, 16.03.2018 at 13:25

Repair my ship and send fleet back to baltic sea. 2cp

Move gustav and 2 divs from stockholm. Collect 2 divs in oslo. Land in straslund.

Can't combine land/sea movement and/or can't cross through straits of copenhagen

Edit @ 00:06 gmt

decided to move gustav and 2 from stockholm.. pick up 2 in oslo and drop in lund.
so 2 left in stockholm,
gustav in lund with 4
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
17.03.2018 - 20:53
==1811, Spring==
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
18.03.2018 - 15:11
==1811, Summer==
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
19.03.2018 - 18:59
Battles Summer 1811

Austrian hussar scouts reported to Archduke Charles of a solitary french division moving north above their position in Regensburg towards Thuringia. Believing they could be easily defeated, Schwarzenburg volunteered to engage. Charles was wary and thought it may be a trap but let him go regardless. With typical speed and cunning Napoleon moved in behind the austrian force and encircled their attack (March to the Guns). The Austrian force was simply destroyed by superior numbers and Schwarzenburg surrendered. Badly wounded, the French let him go back to Regensburg in shame.

During a regular patrol of Copenhagen, the Russo-Swedish fleet spotted nothing happening like usual and set sail to return home when the Danes emerged to attack. The timing was either lucky or well planned, as much of the russian fleet had lagged behind and their entire line was pierced by the danish fleet who launched broadsides into both the russian and swedish sterns and bows. This bold attack incurred some heavy fire though, the russo swedish fleet lost far more ships. The Swedish Admiral argued to turn back around and engage the danes but the russian admiral argued caution, for as long as their fleet remained intact, it remained useful.

The Swedish army is finally ordered to leave its possessions in Pomerania and drive the French from northern germany. The garrison there withdraws to the woods around Hanover, using light infantry, and then withdraw. They did not feel very confident of fighting the larger and better led Swedish Army

duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
19.03.2018 - 21:20
==1811, Fall==
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
22.03.2018 - 20:30
Battles Fall 1811

In in act of bold daring, the Admiralty ordered the British Navy to cross under the shore batteries of Copenhagen and cross into the Baltic to support their allies. The Royal Navy took a beating (2 squadrons damaged) but all ships survived intact, despite some casualties. Rather than wait for the much slower and damaged russo-swedish fleet to join them, the British began a hunt for the Danes, in the archipelego of which there were 10,000. Ironically they were both searching for each other and finally both found each other near Copenhagen again at the Øresund. Both sides were almost equally matched, and the battle lasted for hours both sides trading fire relentlessly until sundown when the British decided to retreat to Lund, not having achieved their victory that they hoped for.

The Austrian army, in complete chaos, dispersed from Regensburg, Charles to Munich, John to Prague, and Ferdinand/Radetz to remain. The military maxim of marching marching divided and fighting united was evidently some inspiration to draw Napoleon's army apart. But Napoleon instead pursued Ferdinand and Radetz's central force all the way deep into Austria, to the gates of Vienna and then northwards into Prague. The entire campaign has now been defined by the French picking apart the numerically superior Austrian army and destroying it piecemeal via superior maneuver and harssment. As the Austrian army in Prague attempted to retreat to Leipzig, Napoleon caught up with them at Liemiertz. Offering terms of surrender, Ferdinand refused, and they were destroyed in a swift battle despite holding the high ground.

+1 glory to France
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
24.03.2018 - 11:45
==1811, Winter==
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
24.03.2018 - 11:45
Battles Winter 1811

Ordered to hold Ulm at any cost by Napoleon, the French soldiers held off the initial wave of the Austrian attack but as soon as Charle's best men breach their defensive trench they waved the white flag and most were captured.

The Prussians, eager for revenge mobilized swiftly upon hearing Napoleon entering Silesia. Blocking his path between Breslau and Poznan. Napoleon manuevered to Leszno, where there was a fortunate hill line he positioned his army just beneath the crest (Reverse Slopes played). The prussian line infantry advanced without hesitation and laid down withering fire with a high rate of reloading. This was a different army than existed years ago. If not for the hill, much of that training would have paid off. Part of the French right began to falter, while in the Center Napoleon concentrated heavy artillery fire and his best troops, his cavalry encircled the overager prussians and drove them from the field. The battle was hard won. Brunswick is disgraced and no longer has the favor of the King.

Kutuzov, continuing his subjugation of Poland met Massena at Kutno, a small town west of Warsaw. Massena sought to frustrate his efforts and began an immediate attack. The infantry battle was even, but the polish cavalry, inspired by desire to expel the russian invader and knowing local terrain completely outflanked Kutuzov and struck his artillery corps as it was unlimbering. Seeing cavalry in the rear, Kutuzov ordered a retreat to prevent a rout.

Ney, not used to sitting on the defensive for so long, decided to emulate his Empereur and attack. Moving south, Wellington was glad to oblige, summoning Beresford with newly landed British troops to join the battle. During this delay, Ney ordered construction of a great artillery/trench redoubt (Great Redoubt) to hinge his army upon. This proved to be largely a waste of resources as the british simply avoided fight on that flank. The best of the spanish troops had fallen in the earlier battles, these new recruits were of the lowest quality. Nearly routed after the failed assault against british cannon, only his french cuirassiers saved the day and trampled the british right flank. Wellington, feeling that he had enough of this battle, abandoned the field south to Granada where more reinforcements awaited.

The Swedish army near Paris had to be dealt with. They had a decent position along the Somme river, but Victor managed to encircle and force them all to lay down their arms.
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
24.03.2018 - 12:24
==1812, Spring==
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
24.03.2018 - 22:17
This is fun , seesms complex but interesting
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
25.03.2018 - 13:08
Battles Spring 1812

The French Empire was massive and held together by the will of Napoleon alone. Wherever the Grand Armee goes, there the French are strong. Wherever he is not, the empire is in chaos. Charles, one of the most relentless enemies of the french led a bold attack on Paris from southen germany with the unlikely help of turkish troops garrisoned in Piedmont under Mustafa Pasha. Under Charles command were the most elite forces, cuirssiers, guard, grenadiers and his own private "Legion". The French defending paris were second rate, Joachim Murat joined the battle willingly (Bravest of the Brave card), and although Charles was hit by a stray musket shot in the leg (Leader Wounded card), that did not prevent him from routing them before Paris then pursuing them to the Loire river routing them again completely decimating the french home army, including Joachim Murat who fell in a rear guard defense). This great victory was negated upon recieving word that France and Austria were now at peace, and that he had to return home, proving to be the last battle of the war.

duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
26.03.2018 - 00:36
==1812, Summer==
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
26.03.2018 - 21:27
Battles Summer 1812

Many battles happened this summer, coalition did well, don't feel like writing about them >:(

duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
27.03.2018 - 01:35
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
27.03.2018 - 09:58
move brunwick with 2 divs into berlin
recuit there 7 divs

>playing atwar:

Furthermore, I consider that NWE must be destroyed
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
27.03.2018 - 10:00
Denmark:Built 1 div in Holstein
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
27.03.2018 - 10:58
Rebuy 4 of my lost divs and charles and place them in vienna.

Send charles out to collect the 3 divs around austria and base in linz.

With remaining 3 cp purchase 1 fresh div in linz and one rebuy
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
27.03.2018 - 11:14
1 gen in york.
2 cp send york and cornwall fleet to biscay (york - north sea --> north atlan; merge fleet)

Wellington to Barca (after pick up valencia)

Sweden recruits a div at Lund

Put repair off.

Play Admirality directly pls. ty
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...

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