Eshkruar nga thisguy, 30.04.2024 at 05:30
So i like doing 1v1s and i start off pretty well (usually up on units, and have a good position) but then in after like turn 10 i start getting fucked over so badly, if anyone has some advice about how to play late game that would be wonderful.
note: i did read the post by Zenith on this, but i would like more detail if possible.
thank you : )
Late game isn't particularly advanced, there isn't a lot of strategy involved and it's basically a game of mobilizing resources (just like in real world).
You need to hold as many cities as possible, to get as many bonuses as possible and make and move units as fast as possible, and you usually clash along some axis and that's it.
My only tip for you is get faster, get a mouse if you don't have and just spam clicks.