Ld. Dark Knight Llogaria u fshi |
15.07.2013 - 16:05 Ld. Dark Knight Llogaria u fshi ![]() Welcome once again to our weekly supply of news. Last week it was Vice President Safari, writing about the newly integrated AtWar radio, this time it's me. Art of War (nope, not my one but Andartes' one), has had its ups and downs. Starting from Great Serbia to the current Art of War, every stage in its life has been like a roller coaster. Started by Andartes and Pera, the clan then went to trust players like Eagles8539 and Cherse as Officers. As the story unfolded, the trusted officers were soon to be part of a so called "rebellion" as they sought to take over The A-Team (as it was called back then). Helping this Mutiny, Eagles had strong support from the training clan leader Madara, officer Usernames and more key players. Here, Madara gave me a small insight of what actually happened. [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Madara: Hmm, so let's get this started. It's been a few months now, I don't know how much exactly you remember about the "Revolution of the A-Team", but can you summarize for me? [pr] Madara: Well, first of all, there was no 'revolution'. And it wasn't exactly in A-Team. It was for the whole organization. [pr] Madara: Andartes calls it a mutiny. [pr] Madara: How it all started was [pr] Madara: A group of our strongest players, some in A-Team, BoB and the third training coalition for some reason disliked Andartes [pr] Madara: While in BoB, my players refused to be transferred to A-Team, because of something with Andartes. [pr] Madara: I had countless meetings with my players, begging me to let them stay in BoB. [pr] Madara: At one point, they met up with me, and told me in a week if Andartes wasn't put out of power then they would all leave. [pr] Madara: Eagles, then spoke with me privately that he wanted me to request a meeting and to let him do all the talking. [pr] Madara: Unfortunately, shit didn't go down this way. Once the meeting came, I had to do all the talking. It made me look like I was the head of this 'mutiny'. I spoke for maybe 20mins [pr] Madara: In which I came up with an alternative solution then what Eagles and the group wanted [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Madara: So hang on, why did Eagles suddenly draw back his plans? [pr] Madara: I have no idea. When the time came he just wouldn't speak as we agreed. The others were confused aswell. [pr] Madara: So, I said what I remembered from what he told me days before. [pr] Madara: And added ideas I could come up with [pr] Madara: I was creating a system off the top of my head so that both groups would be satisfied. [pr] Madara: I wanted change too though [pr] Madara: A-Team wasn't functioning right and our 'elite' coalition needed a better leader. [pr] Madara: Kick Andartes off the top and to the bottom? No, he started the whole coalition from way back. That wouldn't make sense. He was FOUNDER. [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Madara: Mhmm [pr] Madara: I decided a council for maybe a week until I organized a different system would be sufficent. That Eagles and the group would stay for a few days. [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Madara: Hmm, sounds hard for the leader of the academy clan. You told me that the stronger members did not like Andartes. What was your opinion of him? [pr] Madara: I thought Andartes over all had good intentions. We had a great organization to be one of the best clans out there. [pr] Madara: But, I didn't like him much personally. [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Madara: Oh? Why's that then? [pr] Madara: Once, he asked me if we should make a new elite clan because he didn't like the w/l score of A-Team. [pr] Madara: Which to me was dishonorable and didn't make sense to me as a leader. [pr] Madara: 10k Sp and hassle for the whole clan because they weren't winning enough Cws? [pr] Madara: I think that's the leaders responsibility. You have to work off what you have [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Madara: Haha, I see. But don't you think Andartes was put in an awkward position with what the controversy around him and his clan. [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Madara: Don't you think he was starting to get nervous about losing his best members, and to start from scratch would mean maybe rebuild the clan again? [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Madara: Maybe that was his solution to this "mutiny". A message to forget the past and start again? [pr] Madara: Yes. Which would explain why he decided it was okay to make me look like a tyrant and an abomination to the clan after I left. [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Madara: Mhmm, I get your point m8, I really do. [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Madara: I understand this isn't easy for you but it isn't easy for him either. To have been betrayed by his best members put him in an awful situation [pr] Madara: He didn't exactly know he was at risk of losing his members. I didn't tell him because if I did he would definitely let them leave. [pr] Madara: I was going to rejoin after Syndicate went ahead to make an elite coalition. [pr] Madara: But, he canceled my invite quickly and din't even bother to speak to me about it. [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Madara: Maybe he didn't want to risk the situation happening all over again [pr] Madara: Once I saw it I was happy actually. [pr] Madara: I'm sure he knew this wasn't my idea. Nor was I trying to take power over him. [pr] Madara: For him to make a whole stage and rewrite the history says a lot. [pr] Madara: I wanted to speak with him about what would his solution would be if I rejoined after all the propaganda he posted in his coalition forum. [pr] Madara: Oh, and so no one gets upset, I left spys in the coalition before I left (got them removed now). Which he knew damn well about x3 [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Madara: Right, well let's change the topic here. Andartes had lost his best members and AoW didn't even look like it was buckling down. He certainly has built it back again, brick by brick. Would you agree? [pr] Madara: I would. I'm proud that he gave Sun-Tzu Officer position. Goes to show I don't mean harm to his coalition. [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Madara: Haha ![]() [pr] Madara: Hmmm. [pr] Madara: I he sees this, I hope we can begin good relations and friendship among Titans Creed and Art of War. [pr] Madara: I'm glad he rebuilt the coalition. But framing me shouldn't have been apart of it [pr] Madara: That is all. God bless [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Madara: That's it bro ![]() [pr] Madara: Of course. Interviewing Madara, reading this interview over again, I can see that there were gaps in the wall with relationship between Andartes and some of the other influential members of his clan. They didn't see eye to eye with him, and maybe that lead to a situation where they just had to leave. You'll read Andartes' interview soon below, and I think you'll recognize that Andartes dislikes Madara more than the rest. However, I think he needs to really forget the past and see that Madara was very dedicated to help the clan improve. I personally think here was more dedicated than all the other members of this mutiny. I think you know which interview is coming next. From my own opinion, I think Eagles8539 was the leader of this uprising and for me to gather his opinion on the matter would seem fitting for this article. [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Eagles8539: Right then Eagles, sorry to disturb you on this fine evening. Let's get straight to the point, Andartes claims you, Usernames and Madara were part of a Mutiny that made the clan fall. [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Eagles8539: In your eyes, was it a mutiny? [pr] Eagles8539: we did make it fall, cuz we were the only ones who ever played in cws, we just got sick of having to carry a whole clan of like 60 members with only us 3 [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Eagles8539: So hang on, what was Andartes doing? [pr] Eagles8539: kept making new training clans cuz thats how he thinks u get better, when really it isnt [pr] Eagles8539: im saying andartes had different views that we opposed on how to lead a clan, and when we left because we were unable to view these oppositions, others came with us cuz they knew we were right. [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Eagles8539: That's interesting, what were the contrasts in views between your guys and him? [pr] Eagles8539: just how to play overall, im more defensive, he isnt, then he kept making training clans, we had 3 total, and we thought this was unnecessary, since most didnt train except for a few [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Eagles8539: He kept making training clans but didn't train most of the players? [pr] Eagles8539: no, they all played un games most of the time [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Eagles8539: Mhmm, I see. So in a way the so called "Mutiny" was actually the first step to try help the clan improve. But from what you're saying Andartes didn't agree and so the key members of the clan split apart, is that right? [pr] Eagles8539: ya, wasnt a mutiny, because we tried 3 times with 3 meetings to fix it and he was to stubborn on his ways and didnt compromise, and i didnt need to deal with it and left [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Eagles8539: I see, well thanks for your time m8 [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Eagles8539: Short interview, I know but I've been able to work out what happened. [pr] Eagles8539: no problem ![]() This basically confirmed what Madara told me. They had different views, and they tried to fix that but Andartes didn't have the same views as them so the clan grew unstable and the key players left. Obviously I don't know what fully happened behind the scenes, and I can't come to a conclusion based on what these 2 said so to balance things out, Andartes gave me a small screenshot involving Usernames and Madara: ![]() Acknowledging the fact these were tense times for both sides, I can tell Andartes was unfairly ganged up on, so I can only imagine what happened in clan chat/meetings etc. Below, Andartes talks to me about what happened from his side of events. [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Andartes: Welcome Andartes! it's quite rare I get to interview you, but I want to ask you questions on your reign in AoW [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Andartes: First of all, your clan had some ups and downs, what made you decide to stick with Art of War through its dark days? [pr] Andartes: First of all, thank you for warm welcome and i would like to greet all ATN viewers! [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Andartes: haha [pr] Andartes: now, why i stayed, it is my clan, been in for year. Didnt feel like leaving it will satisfy my AW career. [pr] Andartes: got used to clan mates, the atmosphere and small progress we made. [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Andartes: Righto, what were your thoughts when your best players, to name a few: Eagles, Madara and Usernames, left your clan? [pr] Andartes: I couldnt understand right away what happened, but after 1h and a report from my most loyal members, I realised. [pr] Andartes: first i have to say that we had democracy in our clan(s), was pretty easy for individual to gain some power in controling our organization. [pr] Andartes: apparently, Madara, Eagles and Usernames(mostly Madara, he was the brain) used the system to gain power and lead clans by themselves. [pr] Andartes: they made many reforms and changes to weaken our organization, but i made council to oversee the situation [pr] Andartes: they couldnt bypass the Council, they couldnt get more power, so they just left [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Andartes: Mhmm, I see. Looking back on the "Mutiny" today, do you think you made a mistake that may have lead to it? [pr] Andartes: Nope, it wasnt my mistake. I just had a vision of perfect system to recruit-train-fight, i tried to work on it [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Andartes: And you're saying that these key members of the rebellion did not see eye to eye with your vision and left? [pr] Andartes: after 1 year we could reach the goal, but chain of command failed as Madara and Company apparently didnt supported our idea, so yeah. [pr] Andartes: but anyway, problem wasnt the mutiny itself, they didnt think the way the rest did, they tried to ''change things on their way'' [pr] Andartes: problem was lying after mutiny when they stole many good members in our organization [pr] Andartes: some of them didnt knew A-Team(head clan) officers and leaders, so they believed them and left. BUT. And it's a very big but. Times have gone, things have changed. Players went by and moved on, Andartes stuck by building the clan back up again, brick by brick. The clan lead by Andartes' firm leadership, held by his most loyal supporters. Today his clan consists of 23 members who possibly could some of the best players of the future. I can't help noticing here that, Andartes is working on something here. [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Andartes: I see, this might be a strong topic for you Andartes, so let's move on. I don't think players have noticed how much of a recovery you have made from this rebellion. I must say, it was pretty brave, building Art of War back up, brick by brick. How did you do it? ![]() [pr] Andartes: since we lost skilled fighters we was kinda slowed down :-P [pr] Andartes: but we still had members in training process, we kept training them, we knew we can become strong as we was soon [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Andartes: And I belive, the key thing was you had those loyal members still in Art of War that started to blossom and peak and become good players? [pr] Andartes: of course, without loyalty there's nothing, without them i would probably leave clan and gone rogue :-P [pr] Andartes: we are not very strong now, but trying to catch up with other coalitions, we hope we will have strong fighters as we used to have ![]() [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Andartes: I wouldn't say you're not very strong now. In fact I see you as a clan for the future, you've got the foundations built for it already, just a few tweaks strength and it's all done. [pr] Andartes: hmm, maybe, problem is if i can say it that way - recruits [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Andartes: Yup. [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Andartes: What's your aim in the coming seasons? Do you think you can start playing competitively now you've got a clan that can cw? [pr] Andartes: with good amount of recruits to replace inactives(we all know we all have to go offline sometimes) - yes [pr] Andartes: maintaining recruiting system is hard these days, UN non-strategy game doesnt approve CWs :/ [pr] Andartes: but thats another story.. [pr] Andartes: but we dont have some dreams about big goals or anything [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Andartes: Haha alrighty, well it's been a long and interesting interview, Andartes! I certainly do welcome the next one ![]() [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Andartes: One thing before I go, would you like to say anything to our ATN viewers? ![]() [pr] Andartes: hmm, i dont know, maybe; create a clan, make your own crew and set sail to the Clan Wars destinations, its fun! [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Andartes: Thanks for your time Andartes! ![]() [pr] Andartes: no problem mate The guy holds trust and loyalty the most in his clan. In his opinion, those key attributes are the ingredients for the successful clan. He builds a system where you recruit and train. Players like his set up and join him. From my own point of view, I have to give credit to the hard working and passionate players in the clan. I log in and I can guarantee you that there is a game up called "Art of War training game". The players themselves are committed, willing to learn and understand. You were probably thinking? "Why's LDK writing up something that happened almost a good few months ago?". Oh, I'm not focusing too much about the Mutiny. I'm pointing out here how well Andartes and his team have recovered. I wouldn't be surprised if in the next few seasons Art of War start hitting that top 3 place, becoming the clan of the future. I wasn't done there though, I did want to see how good the atmosphere in the clan was for myself. Trying to fish around members, asking them how it was like, I only managed to ask 2 players. Some of the other members didn't want to answer ;/. Quotes from Battalion: ...[pr] Battalion: They were dissatisfied With how Andy ran things... they called him dictator and stuff like that... then they just left ![]() [pr] Battalion: Some left the game I think but many started their own clans... [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Battalion: Right. Did you agree with what they had to say? [pr] Battalion: I couldn't... I was loyal to Andy all the way... he brought me here. But yeah... I miss a lot of them ![]() [pr] Ld. Dark Knight: Battalion: Haha, fair enough. I remember I had offered you an invitation before too but you had said you wanted to stay at AoW and you didn't want to let Andartes down. [pr] Battalion: Yes... I am loyal to Andy, he is basically my father on AoW if you will lol [pr] Battalion: Its funny because I don't think he knows it... Quote from Officer Soul: [pr] Light Soul: Andartes leaderships skill good and great at the same time. i known him ever since i was rank 5 (He recuited me) and now i'm the same rank as him lol. he's good. You might be thinking these players are scared of Andartes, thinking he'll kick them out if they don't say the right things. Oh, I don't believe so. These players are totally behind Andartes every step of the way. Clans, watch out! AoW are back in action. ASK ME!! Lalala, I love this bit. Part of the article where you ask a certain player questions of your choice, and they answer it for the next article. We had Safari last week as our player, and here they are the answers ![]() Question 1: Dammit why are you so popular and why do you like cats so much? - LDK Answer: Why you ask me if i am popular if you put the answer right next to it? I like cats. cats are cool. And well in real i don't like cats, because i am an allergican but i love the image grumpy cat shows us ![]() http://cdn.grumpycats.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/521371_493442257358183_1618471172_n.jpg Images like this one are motivating me ![]() Question 2: Safari what is the best asian woman? - Linkin Park (Yazan) Answer: Hard question for a big fan of asian woman. On the one side Indian girls are extremly sexy, but also these cute chinese girls are good looking. As conclusion I would say that i take all of em. Question 3: How Many Gf's You Have Safari - Funtime Answer: I am single at the moment. Question 4: Pettanko or oppai? - Terminal Answer: WTF??!? no idea what you are talking about, boy Question 5: Did you understand one bit of terminal's crazy question? - Hdrakon Answer:No and i am glad that i am not the only one. Question 6: What's your story on becoming a mod? - Kona-Chan Answer: I will make it short (Amok talking with hdrakon) Amok: but one this is certain - we won't make a mod after all you've done Amok: same for Safari 1 month later i got promoted by Amok. Now then, the next "Ask me" player. Mhmm, it was a tough call between Dbacks and V-dog, but since Dbacks literally begged me for it, I made him the "Ask me" player for this week. (He'll deny it ofc xD). Ask Me Player of the week: Dbacks Thanks for reading & hope you enjoyed it! President LDK's been busy with making a timetable for ATN. Expect another article this week or so! ![]() ![]()
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Ld. Dark Knight Llogaria u fshi |
15.07.2013 - 16:42 Ld. Dark Knight Llogaria u fshi
Dbacks, my question: Why do you like being rushed so much? ![]()
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
15.07.2013 - 16:47
Great article - very professional. enjoyed reading it. @Dbacks: Who is your favorite pornstar?
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duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
15.07.2013 - 16:51
@Dbacks Do u Like Anime ![]() & Nice Article Me Like It Cheers
---- Believe you can and you're halfway there
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duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
15.07.2013 - 16:55
Really fun to read we all know how Art of war turned from one of the best Cln back on ShaiBB , Eagle , LDK now i am sad to say it going down we will never have this great Art of war cln :/ @Dbacks who do you think is the SEXIEST mod here ![]()
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duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
15.07.2013 - 17:50
Dbacks do you like unicorns? And if you do would you like more to ride a pink or yellow one?
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duke u karikuar...
16.07.2013 - 13:00
Not appropriate. Mods....
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duke u karikuar...
08.08.2013 - 14:48
3 weeks later:
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Mr Grumpy Llogaria u fshi |
08.08.2013 - 15:20 Mr Grumpy Llogaria u fshi
It's a game where real life issues can get in the way, so I'm not really surprised that AoW have gone inactive. They'll be back pretty soon though.
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
08.08.2013 - 15:23
One can only hope
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duke u karikuar...
08.08.2013 - 18:27
The problem is a lot of our elite and active (the anchors) have left AoW. Sun Tzu being a very skilled member, Killer, myself, and plenty of other mainstays of the clan left shortly following this publication. After that happened, any coalition would be inactive. Andartes just needs to step up to the plate once again, breathe a little bit of life in the highest ranks he has and set the elite up as officers / trainers in order to keep it going even while he may be absent. That's how I remember andartes raising my generation, and I have hope for the future of AoW.
---- "Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
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duke u karikuar...
Mr Grumpy Llogaria u fshi |
09.08.2013 - 10:29 Mr Grumpy Llogaria u fshi
Kinda late mate, this article is 3 weeks old. Dbacks answered all his questions 2 articles ago ![]()
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
duke u karikuar...
17.08.2018 - 10:33
Neat work of ATN, the mighty lvl it used to be <3 Still miss you LDK </3 Also Andartes was already a problematic player in 2013 D Dont lock,delete, move this thread!
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duke u karikuar...
A je i sigurt?